Sunday, May 20, 2012


Hey people I know i haven't posted in a LONG time so i might be a little rusty!!! My drama class has this thing where 7th graders going into 8th grade can come and try out for this competition (I will get to that part later!) thing. UNLESS you get invited by Ms.Debby. (My Teacher) And I got INVITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So i went to the audition and we had to do a dance and sing!!! I am not good at dancing at all!!! But i can do it; it just isn't GREAT!!! So anyway, then you leave and she will e-mail you and tell you if you got in!! I got in!!!!!!! So NOW let me explain what we do now!!!!!!!!!:) We come in September and we have this.....debate thing, When you come you get in groups and you have a show topic. Then you come up with a dance and things and then once everyone does their show we talk and then we eliminate shows we don't like and keep the ones we do like and then after doing that awhile we have our show pick out. Then we have to make up moves and get parts for the show that we picked!!!!!! Then we go to Atlanta,Georgia and we go to this place and perform and then there is a winner. I wasn't in it last year but they won. So we go to a hotel and in each room there are two kids and one adult and that adult is responceable for those 2 kids. I can't wait. So that is what has been going on with me!! I am also about to put on my play WIZERD OF OZ!!!!! It is this Thursday and Friday!!!! I am the wicked witch!!!! I am SOOOO excited!!! My dress rehersal went good, well pretty good. My costume is AWESOME!!!!! I have 2 outfits one for Miss Gultch and one for the wicked witch!!!!! So that is what is going on right now!!!! I will post again soon and tell you how it went!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oooh! That's awesome :-) Good luck! ( I know you'll make a great wicked witch)

  2. Congratulations on your new theater group Alexa, you will be great! I know that you will be an AWESOME Wicked Witch. Break a leg!
